
3 Common App Development Mistakes That May Smash Your App

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So, you want to develop an app. Undoubtedly, your business will benefit from a mobile app because nowadays, mobile traffic is exceeding from desktop traffic in the USA, Japan and many other countries as per the Google stats. In recent few years, mobile app development has emerged at fast pace, thus, this is the perfect time to launch a mobile app for your business. So, if you have a unique app idea, select the budgets and the team that can help your app developed. All you need to do is to craft the ultimate road map to your app development. Let’s take a look on the top 3 mistakes that need to be avoided while getting your app developed:

Unable to Identify the Best and Required Platform

There are basically two major platforms including Android and iOS. One of the common mistakes that most of the businesses does is – fail to comprehensively weight the platform according to their app.

Since iPhone apps generate 85 percent more revenue than Android apps, thus, iOS app development has become popular among developers, thus a lot of developers vouch for iOS. However, it’s a fact that while iOS apps are enormously popular in the US but Android has captured the global markets. For identifying the best and require platform, ask a few questions including:

  • What will app’s monetization strategy?
  • Who are the target audiences?
  • What are their demographics and which devices they use?
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You can easily get the details from Google Analytics.

Adapting the conventional web strategy

Since mobile app has become popular in recent few years, but still many mobile app publishers and marketers does a common mistake, they adapt the similar and conventional strategy for their mobile app. However, mobile app is entirely different in functionality, if we talk in terms of scope and size. So, to develop a market-centric and business-centric mobile app, don’t just follow your web strategy in terms of design and functionality of the app. Instead of that offer an enhanced and advanced version of the similar experience.

Incongruous Marketing Strategy

You have developed an app but it can’t be sold itself. No matter, how tremendous, unique and well-designed your app is, it should have a well-versed marketing strategy and user-acquisition strategy. Appstore’s are flooded with apps so your app is competing with thousands of other apps for limited user-attention. Let’s take a look on a few steps to increase your app visibility:

Identify your target audience

Figure out who are your app’s target audiences? Is your app meeting any of their key challenges? What’s their demographics? What are your app’s unique features that can set your app apart from its competitors?

Get the press coverage

Before the launch of your app, hunt for the best publishers and media sources for writers and publications, who have covered the similar apps or are publishing apps regularly. Collect down all those names and organize it all properly. And, if you are running short of time, you can outsource it as well. To save time, you can outsource that.

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Make and publish a demo video

Today, mobile users spend around 40 minutes on YouTube on an average per session. Creating demo video can help you in converting visitors into users. You can also think of creating a standard corporate demo. You can even consider collaborating with influencers for additional lift.

Accomplish visibility by applying for Awards

By participating and winning awards for your app, you can get the best free way to capture enormous exposure through press, reviews and various social media channels. However, only a well-designed and well-developed app can only win its user’s hearts. So, its important design a user-centric apps.

Hope the above-mentioned points will help you in avoiding the common mistakes and making your app successful.

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